On To Bethlehem Town (Tua Bethlem Dref)

On to Bethlehem Town;
Join the crowd and travel down;
Down the road that leads us to the cradle.
Come all who are able.
Come, come to the stable with hearts full of joy,
As we kneel and pray.
Come and see the child,
With his mother Mary mild.
Come along and worship at the cradle.

There we’ll see the boy;
Hearts aglow with boundless joy;
In the everlasting word.
We will bow before Him.
Come, come and adore Him.
Bringing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
On to see Bethlehem Town;
Join the crowd and travel down.
Down the road that leads us to the cradle.

Arrangement Copyright Feb 1995 Dean C. Young
From ‘Tua Bethlem Dref’ used in Child’s Christmas in Wales

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